Client Zone

HR and employment law support for our valued clients

This centre contains online access to the Graphipedia, our 1,000-page publication on the application of employment law in the Republic of Ireland, articles on employment law, and a detailed questions and answers section. As a valued Graphite customer, you have instant access to a wide range of HR and employment law support and helpful resources, ensuring that your managers and HR department can carry out their roles in confidence.


Online Irish employment law resource

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Latest Resources

Employer’s guide to lay-offs in Ireland

It’s common for businesses facing a downturn in trade to let employees go on a temporary basis. As an employer, you may also need to […]

Long-term sickness absence: When to conduct an informal welfare meeting

Everyone gets sick, so short-term sickness absence is something all employers will have to deal with from time to time and tends to cause minimal […]

Notice periods: an employer’s guide

Within a business, it’s constantly necessary to re-evaluate and adjust workforce planning. Whether this is due to employees looking for different career paths or the […]