In-House Training

In-House Training to Boost Your Business Success

It’s all very well being able to access help and support from external sources, but when it comes to HR and employment law, you also need to support your employees’ and senior managers’ knowledge and skills in these areas. 

Graphite’s in-house staff training has many benefits. Our range of HR training topics for employees, HR personnel, and senior managers means your business is better equipped to deal with a whole host of workplace issues.

It’s all very well being able to access help and support from external sources, but when it comes to HR and employment law, you also need to support your employees’ and senior managers’ knowledge and skills in these areas. While it’s essential that staff are qualified to carry out their role-specific responsibilities, there are also a wide range of day-to-day issues that can arise in any workplace.

Graphite’s in-house staff training has many benefits. Our range of HR training topics for employees, HR personnel, and senior managers means your business is better equipped to deal with a whole host of workplace issues.

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Bespoke in-house training courses

Graphite offers an extensive range of training courses to suit many needs. Our bespoke short- and long-term training courses are the perfect way to address the specific requirements of your business and any areas of concern. Training for senior managers can be of particular benefit, as it’s imperative that they recognise and respond to their obligations in regard to employment legislation compliance and ensure fair procedures at all times.

Here are some other reasons to choose Graphite’s bespoke, in-house training:

  • A cost-effective way to ensure senior managers are equipped to deal with daily employee and HR issues.
  • By managing employment issues correctly, you reduce the risk of costly employment claims.
  • Training can be tailored to focus on specific items that are causing issues within the business.
  • Content is focused on the company itself, using real and current examples for context.
  • Training is organised around staff work schedules.
  • We’ll deliver your training at a location convenient for you and your staff.
  • Encourages team building through increased awareness and understanding of other employees’ roles and contributions.

In-House Training

Dignity & Respect
in the Workplace

HR Essentials for
Line Managers

Disciplinary &
Grievance Processes


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